Salad With a Side of Fries Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss

You vs. The Diet Industry

Episode Summary

This is it! Well, now through January. The diet industry is READY! With over 50% of people expected to make wellness/health related resolutions (fitness and weight loss topping the list), you're about to see ads and promotions for every lotion, potion and quick fix fad. The truth is, none of these are the magic bullet we want them to be. Yet it's SO easy to be tempted! In this week's episode Jenn is arming you with everything you need to stand strong against the machine of the diet industry. From the truth about common diets on the market to understanding why everything marketed to us isn't the answer and what we want to do instead, this episode is not to be missed! In fact, you may want to listen to it each time those ads come your way or your social media feed is filled with before & after photos. Become a Member: Want a free menu plan from Jenn? Complete this free Weight Loss Profile:

Episode Notes

This is it! Well, now through January. The diet industry is READY! With over 50% of people expected to make wellness/health related resolutions (fitness and weight loss topping the list), you're about to see ads and promotions for every lotion, potion and quick fix fad. The truth is, none of these are the magic bullet we want them to be. Yet it's SO easy to be tempted! In this week's episode Jenn is arming you with everything you need to stand strong against the machine of the diet industry. From the truth about common diets on the market to understanding why everything marketed to us isn't the answer and what we want to do instead, this episode is not to be missed! In fact, you may want to listen to it each time those ads come your way or your social media feed is filled with before & after photos.      


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"This is the diet industry's Olympics. They're playing capture the flag and YOU are the flag." – Jenn Trepeck
"What we do is predicated on giving a damn...and that's the difference."  – Jenn Trepeck
"If we can't do whatever we're doing forever, I don't want to make that the plan for how to get there."  – Jenn Trepeck
"Let's not throw our common sense out the window."   – Jenn Trepeck
"If the claims sound too's a red flag to me."– Jenn Trepeck
"The industry is shifting from "diet" to "wellness,"'s just more nonsense we have to decipher."  – Jenn Trepeck
"Anytime we go from extreme to extreme, we're setting ourselves up and it's totally unnecessary."– Jenn Trepeck
"Zero health conditions occur only in overweight bodies."– Jenn Trepeck