Salad With a Side of Fries Nutrition, Wellness & Weight Loss

Percent Daily Value (% DV)

Episode Summary

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn's explaining that part of a nutrition label that makes zero sense to a lay person, the % DV, which stands for percent daily value. Walking through what it is, what it means for us in our everyday life and how to interpret it when a label shows a value over 100%. In just a few minutes Jenn answers these questions and more. You're going to want to hear this! If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday.  Become A Member: Jenn's Favorite herbal formula for adrenal, cortisol, thyroid & stress support:

Episode Notes

Nutrition Nugget! Bite-size, bonus episodes offering tips, tricks and approachable science. This week, Jenn's explaining that part of a nutrition label that makes zero sense to a lay person, the % DV, which stands for percent daily value. Walking through what it is, what it means for us in our everyday life and how to interpret it when a label shows a value over 100%.  All of this in just a few minutes; you're going to want to hear it! If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full length episodes; new releases every Wednesday. 

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Jenn's Favorite herbal formula for adrenal, cortisol, thyroid & stress support: 

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